> print("hello world")
I am a third-year theoretical physics PhD student. My research is in the fields of quantum thermodynamics and open quantum systems, specifically modelling quantum spin dynamics. All elementary particles possess spin, which can be manipulated to encode data, for example in magnetic hard drives [1]. In attempts to increase the storage of such devices, the densities of these `data bits’ (also called grains) in such devices is being increased [2]. In these limits, quantum effects become important, and this is the primary focus of my PhD project.
[1] https://www.explainthatstuff.com/harddrive.html
[2] https://www.seagate.com/gb/en/innovation/hamr/
I grew up in the South West of the UK and graduated with an integrated master's in physics from the University of Exeter in 2021. Since, I have been here pursuing a PhD with the Quantum Non-Equilibrium Group under the supervision of Prof. Janet Anders and Dr Simon Horsley.
Outside of the office, you can find me running, playing the guitar or walking my dog, Oslo.
Developing a quantum thermodynamic theory for spin systems
Grade: 1st class (hons.)
Relevant modules: Quantum Mechanics I and II; Electromagnetism I and II; Thermal Physics; Statistical Physics; Methods of Theoretical Physics; Principles of Theoretical Physics; Quantum Many-Body Theory; Quantum Optics and Photonics. My master's project, supervised by Dr Luis Correa, was on modelling heat through quantum wires.